Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
What can you offer for Designs?
Gracella Homes partners with 3 different designers to draw custom and spec house plans. If you have someone that you know that can draw your home, that is a fourth possibility. If you choose to work with one of our partners we will pair you with the designer we feel fits your personality and Style the best. From there you will work with the designer on getting a house drawing to your liking.
Do I need to get Building Permits?
Nope. Gracella Homes will handle the building permit process on your behalf.
Does Gracella Homes assist with Construction Loan Draw Process?
Does Gracella offer anything in the form of Design and finishes?
Yes. Gracella Homes, in conjunction with the homeowner, will work with the title company on the construction loan draws. Throughout the project, there are typically 5 draws that are made at various progress points. We will work with you on the draws to ensure subcontractors and suppliers are getting paid on time.
Yes. We will help you as much or as little with your design, color and finish selection. Gracella Homes partners with subcontractors who can also provide some guidance based on your personality, style, and desire in your home.
What are the steps involved in Building a Home?
Absolutely! Gracella owns the rights to the plans we display on our site. Use this as a starting point or build it to spec and select the finishes that meet your style.
Step 1: Pick out a lot
Step 2: Find a plan that you like and that will fit the lot you want.
Step 3: Work with vendors to select the color and finish options
Step 4: Get pricing on the plan, make any necessary changes to
plan to get to the price point you're comfortable with.
Step 5: Permitting
Step 6: Construction
Step 7: Monitor Project
Step 8: Final walkthrough
Step 9: Final Construction Draw/Close construction loan
Can I use one of Gracella Home's Plans and make changes?
Can we use some of our own sub contractors if we partner with Gracella?
Yes. Although we believe we have the best partners when it comes to subcontractors we will work with each owner on the topic. If you have a family or friend that you feel compelled to patronize we understand.